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 Angie's Notes  /

Angela Nguyen

Etsy Income Report October 2020

Date: 1/10/20 - 30/10/20

**All prices are in AUD

note: I'm a terrible writer, sorry.


Etsy Sales & Credit - $5,496.78 (sum of sales and credits earned includes refunds made).

Printful/Printify Fees - $3,012.31

Etsy Fees- $402.59

PROFIT- $2,081.88

My profit this month has increased significantly compared to the last month of $412.22. The majority of my products are now printed by printify which has a higher profit margin and I added an extra 20 listings this month. The majority of my sales are coming from 3-4 from my listings out of 86.

At the moment, I've only been focusing on my Etsy marketing and SEO and lightly touched on my social media (Pinterest).

Of all the products I sold, the majority were sweatshirts and hoodies. this makes sense as the weather in the USA is cold and everyone wants to keep warm. More reviews helped increase my sales. Last month, I only had a couple of reviews but as my reviews increased, so did my sales. I am assuming the higher the review the better the SEO by putting your items higher in the search results.


  1. Canva - used for all design work including apparel, blog post, Pinterest pins, Instagram, Facebook.

  2. Placeit- Mockup service used for my listing photos and Pinterest pins.

  3. Affinity Photo- Editing of photos and any pictures, used on my iPad and MacBook.

  4. Envato element- purchased extra mockups and social media packs to use for marketing.

  5. Vela- Etsy listing bulk tool to edit listings in bulk.

  6. Erank - Etsy research for keywords and competition.


Printify Subscription $30/mth

Canva $167.88/yr

Quickbooks $15/mth

Placeit $23.96/mth

Total: $236.84


This month I took it pretty easy in productivity, I wasn't consistent in working on my Etsy business but I did do deep researching on what designs to create when I have the energy for it (I work full time and work on my Etsy store after work when I have the energy).

Most of my time was spent on answering Etsy messages which I've been getting a lot of lately. Most are about delivery status since delivery is taking forever due to pandemic delays. This is especially true with international orders with customers from Australia waiting since early September. I need to keep track of order statuses to ensure customers get their products in a timely manner. I had a few orders that weren't moving forward in the process chain due to stock issues or delays that I was not aware of. Do not trust printful or printify to always notify you of any issues or delays. It is best to keep an eye on your orders on a daily basis; It doesn't take long to do.


1. Make 100 sales

Results: 134 orders

Progress: Achieved

2. Create 60 listings

Results: 20

Progress: not achieved

I only created 20 extra listings with 6 different designs made into t-shirts, sweatshirts, and hoodies. My productivity was somewhat horrendous and was having difficulty motivating myself to work on the business right after my full-time work.

3. Fill up my tailwind account with 1 month worth of pins with 20% my own pins and 80% other peoples pins

Results: Filled out 2 weeks worth of pins

Progress: Not achieved

This is where my productivity really lacks, I am not a fan of making pins, they are boring and tedious to me. Pinning other people's pins is easy though but that wouldn't help my store get traffic if I only pinned other people's pins.

4.Spend 3 hours min. daily working on my Etsy store

Results: worked on my store 2-3 times a week

Progress: Not achieved

Well, you look at that, once again productivity is a fail. Not much to say here except I really need to find my groove if I want to leave my 9-5.

5. List 10 Face Mask

Results: 1 listed

Progress: Not achieved

I am noticing my masks were not selling as well as I thought. I think sales for the mask are easing up, at least for me. I will probably discontinue making new mask listings unless I make a design that will transfer well as a mask, but other than that, I won't be focused on making exclusive mask designs.


Make 150 sales

Create 30 listings

Fill up my tailwind account with 1 month worth of pins

Spend 12 hours this week on the etsy business

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Welcome, I'm Angie, a nutritionist that writes about health, self-improvement, and minimalism. Here I document my journey and experiences towards a better self and future. 

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